American Public School Law Lessons
American Public School Law Lessons
Lesson 1: The Tenth Amendments to the US Constitution gives states plenary power over Education
Video Conference: The Tenth Amendments to the US Constitution gives states plenary power over Education
Lesson 2: Church and State
Video Conference: Church and State
Case Study I
Lesson 3: School Attendance
Video Conference: School Attendance
Lesson 4: The Instructional Program
Video Conference: The Instructional Program
Case Study II
Lesson 5: Speech, Expression, Privacy, Common Law, Due Process and Statutory Protection
Video Conference: Speech, Expression, Privacy, Common Law, Due Process and Statutory Protection
Lesson 6: Rights of Children with Disabilities
Video Conference: Rights of Children with Disabilities
Lesson 7: Tort Liability
Video Conference 1: Tort Liability
Video Conference 2: Tort Liability
Case Study III
Lesson 8: Certification, Contracts and Tenure
Video Conference: Certification, Contracts and Tenure
Lesson 9: Teacher Rights and Freedoms
Video Conference: Teacher Rights and Freedoms
Lesson 10: EDEA 630
Video Conference: EDEA 630
Final Exam American Public School Law
Final Exam American Public School Law